Speaking to GI.biz, Guillemot dismissed claims that the business had made little progress following the harassment crisis. He spoke on high-profile firings, new organisational structures, and his decision to remain as CEO despite how toxic Ubisoft’s environment had grown to be. The interview came three days after members of the A Better Ubisoft campaign criticised the company’s response to claims of employee mistreatment by sitting down with the AC Sisterhood blog Speaking anonymously, campaign staff revealed that several Ubisoft employees who have been accused of abusive behaviour still work for the company, with some of them even obtaining promotions in the past two years. -Yves Guillemot Although Guillemot didn’t specifically address the complaints raised by A Better Ubisoft, he covered much of the same ground. Regarding accused abusers presently employed by the business, he added, “We have done a lot, and I think we are a company that can be proud of itself.” Guillemot also discussed organisational adjustments done at Ubisoft to improve communication between executives and staff. He cites several examples of the company’s ongoing cultural change, including implementing a company-wide staff survey and weekly meetings between employee groups and leadership teams, including Guillemot himself. Finally, Guillemot addressed the issue of his continued leadership of the business; Many people questioned why Guillemot didn’t resign when the severity of the situation became clear, given that the toxic culture that has plagued Ubisoft grew under his watch. Given Guillemot’s interview and A Better Ubisoft’s evidence, it would be unreasonable to imply that the business even at the higher level of management isn’t sincerely committed to resolving its issues. The statements of Guillemot clearly suggest that Ubisoft is committed to enhancing its workplace environment.  My goal when I co-founded the company was to create a place where you can always be yourself and realising that the company was failing to achieve that goal was “really disturbing” for its longtime CEO. It was obvious for me to go and take care of that situation, so we could go back to what we have been for a long time.”