While the two companies had been working on the project for some time, the joint venture was only formally established in the spring of this year. It was just a formality to announce the name of Sony Honda Mobility. The fact that the teasers only show glimpses of the automobile hints that we will eventually see a real car on stage. On January 4th, 2023, CES 2023 will take place in Las Vegas.

Sony-Honda EV Will Support On-Board PS5 Games Along with An Entertainment System

According to earlier speculations, Honda will employ its many years of experience in automobile manufacturing, while Sony would concentrate on the infotainment and entertainment systems within the car, including the ability to view movies and play PS5 games. In actuality, Honda dealers will provide maintenance for the future EV. The vehicles will fit into the Tesla category, according to the company’s president, Izumi Kawanishi.:  Yasuhide Mizuno, the joint venture’s chair and a former executive at Honda, said the business is constructing its manufacturing procedures around putting content first and will launch its first automobile model in North America by 2025. The EV industry has changed into a race as digital giants like Apple and Google also develop EVs alongside conventional automakers as a result of Tesla’s quick rise to being one of the most valuable vehicle companies in the world and surpassing competitors like Toyota. However, it will be in 2026 that the first Sony Honda vehicle would roll off the assembly line, with Japan serving as its launch market.