Before that Sony acquired EVO and then proceeded to buy the whole Bungie company. It’s following Microsoft’s footsteps in company acquisition tactics. But Playstation wants a slice of the E-sports cake too, now? Things are getting pretty interesting.
Sony buys and EVO
So what is If you aren’t familiar with the platform, it primarily focuses on games that aren’t even available on the Playstation family of titles. So what is Sony exactly up to? It appears Sony wants to partake in the competitive side of games that are on PC. basically hosts leaderboard tournaments that are designed specifically to make esports all the more accessible. The platform makes sure to track the stats of the players to see how they perform in games and allows them to participate in competitions without the need to be online simultaneously. A few games played in tournaments on this platform include the likes of DOTA, Fortnite, PUBG, Apex Legends, and Call of Duty: Warzone. But, Playstation started its acquisition of leaderboards and tournaments a while ago as they did so with the biggest fighting game platform, EVO( Evolution Fighting Games). The company announced a partnership that would aid in providing gaming accessories and monitors that would serve as a huge advantage to PC players. Now, we got an acquisition for a tournament holder for games that don’t even cater to the platform, to begin with! So, will Playstation meddle with tournament holdings and statistics on the platform? Fortunately, they won’t, as these games will continue to be hosted on following the purchase made by Playstation according to Playstation Lifestyle. The acquisition aims to further enhance their technology and allow players to access more resources and game titles. The company hopes to broaden the platform’s reach far beyond the previously mentioned titles. Thus, Playstation will remain as a support for many high-end tournaments on several branches beyond console gaming. The video game company seems pretty interested in PC gaming. First, it was PSnow, the introduction of Playstation exclusive titles to PC, and now this. The board is clearly looking to further its reach beyond console gaming. Microsoft, on the other hand, is trying to make gaming accessible across all platforms via XBOX Gamepass, but Sony is taking a different route by broadening its horizons into the E-sports realm. Sony is actually helping Esports grow and become all the more accessible. It’s possible that Playstation will help underrated tournament communities like Skull Girls with their financial woes. But, we’ll have to see how successful this expansion turns out for them in the first place? Are you happy that Sony is dipping its toes in Esports? Is Microsoft supposedly panning their very own Esports move? What do you think? With that said, check out more gaming news on Till then, see you!