— Erikã Yàsmïn ΔOX​❑ (@3rikaYasmin) November 26, 2022 In the end, there seems to have been a bug in GameStop’s user database, where customers were unintentionally accessing and/or updating their information and viewing names, orders, addressees, and maybe even credit card information for other GameStop users. Though it doesn’t necessarily seem to be prevalent, a few individuals have posted reports of it online. It seems that this is taking each anytime the page is refreshed, in addition to while checking the status of orders or navigating to other parts of the website. It seems that enough information, including phone numbers, addresses, and other details, may have been compromised for GameStop to feel compelled to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the matter. In light of the severity of the security flaw, GameStop should preferably resolve the issue right this second; yet, it is essential to bear in mind. There is no doubt that a large number of individuals might end up financially better off as a result of this data breach, but those who put their faith in the general goodwill of others can find themselves locked out of these accounts and scrambling to properly enter into their very own.