According to a recent article from Bloomberg, the development of augmented reality headgear has reportedly sped up, and there is a possibility that the name of the operating system, which is now xrOS, may be changed. Recently, individuals who are familiar with Apple’s plans said that the tech giant is expected to launch the product sometime in the first few months of the next year.

Apple did modify the name of the operating system to xrOS, however, in part so that people could recognize the types of material that might be shown via the AR headset. Extended reality is denoted by the letters “XR,” which implies that the device will be able to run mixed reality material, which includes augmented and virtual reality. The AR headset should be light yet strong since mixed reality content is anticipated to be demanding. Additionally, users will have access to specialized applications that provide a fresh experience. These will include tweaks to popular applications like Maps and Messages, and the material is anticipated to appear on the visor of the AR headset. Apple is also creating a software development kit for other parties so that new xrOS applications may ultimately be downloaded and utilized.  Bloomberg regrettably hasn’t offered a specific release date for the AR headset, so even if we presume that it will be unveiled in 2023, we shouldn’t have too high of expectations given this is Apple’s first try and a lot may go wrong.